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Styling React Apps with Styled Components

Styling React Apps with Styled Components
By Glen Maddern - @glenmaddern (https://twitter.com/glenmaddern)

"Over the last few months I've been working on a new approach to styling React apps, building on the lessons of CSS Modules but being based entirely in JavaScript. This will be a wholly live-coded talk that assumes no prior knowledge of the React ecosystem — I'll be demonstrating just how easy it is to get started these days using Create React App and Styled Components, and then comparing some techniques from Sass to their JavaScript equivalents. This is more show & tell than a structured talk, so if you have questions about CSS-in-JS, suggestions of things for me to live-code, or just want to heckle, come along!"

MelbCSS November 2016 - https://www.meetup.com/MelbCSS/events/226064770/