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Joe Dev on Tech - Stoyan Stefanov - Introduction to React

React is a new, open source library from Facebook and Instagram. It's a library for building user interfaces for web applications. Let's talk about how React addresses the performance challenges (DOM manipulations, event handling) when building highly dynamic web interfaces.

Stoyan Stefanov is a Facebook engineer fixing the performance of social plugins (e.g. Like button). Author of books on JavaScript and web performance, organizer of perfplanet.com's web performance advent calendar. Plays guitar and performs live with the band called Anaconda Limousine.

View his slides here:http://www.phpied.com/files/react/slides2.html

Server-Side Rendering: http://www.phpied.com/server-side-react-with-php-part-2/

Reactive Table: http://www.phpied.com/reactivetable-bookmarklet/